
Information for Parents

ERO Report Click here to view our latest ERO Report

Kidiwise Hours - We are open from 7am to 5.30pm

Mobile Phones 
Kidiwise has a mobile phone in each area for direct contact to your child's teacher.

  • Kidiwise Office - 027 365 8134
  • Wise Owls - 027 413 4760
  • Owls - 027 425 9395
  • Moreporks - 027 454 3554
  • Nestlings - 027 451 3252

Kidiwise has four separate homes, each with their own spacious grounds.
The names and ratios in each room are:

Nestlings - Babies - 1 teacher to 3-4 children
Moreporks - Toddlers - 1 teacher to 6 children
Owls - Preschool - 1 teacher to 8 children
Wise Owls - Preschool - 1 teacher to 8 children

Communication with Parents

At Kidiwise we try to make communication with parents as open and informative as possible. We recognise parents are busy and to help with communication we have put the following communication channels in place

  • Your child's room has its own cellphone for direct contact with your child's teachers. These phones are used for communication and to send photos to you of your child's happenings during the day, particularly if she/he is unsettled on arrival. A photo of them happy and content puts a parent's mind at rest.
  • Nappy changes, toileting and sleep times are recorded on clipboards available for parents to view each day
  • Parents are encouraged to discuss freely any matter concerning their child or Kidiwise with the teachers and management.

We have a miniature pony 'Peachy' which has a paddock at Kidiwise and chickens.

Outdoor Activities
To develop the children's motor skills, Kidwise has all levels of bikes and numerous bike areas. There are balls for children to develop their ball skills and lots of buckets, spades, trucks and outdoor play equipment for the enormous sandpits. Playground equipment includes, ladders, boxes, a climbing frame, monkey bars and swings for the children to practice climbing, gripping and to build up their physical strength and coordination. We have over two acres of native bush for Adventure Bush Walks, for children to practice tramping, climbing, identifying native birds, sliding down the mud slide, walking together and enjoying the bush. We suppl protective nylon pants and gumboots for the children to wear.

Spa Pool

To build children's confidence in the water, Kidiwise has its own Spa Pool. As with all our activities and resources, this is offered to our children, free of charge.


  • All meals are provided by Kidiwise to all classrooms. The meals provided by Kidiwise are prepared with low sugar and low preservatives in our own registered kitchen.
  • If your child is allergic to any foods, please let us know. We do our best to accommodate specific dietary needs - within reason.
  • While we do not supply milk, if you wish for your child to have any formula, whole milk or breast milk while at Kidiwise, please supply it with a clearly named bottle and/or expressed milk in ziplock bags (already prepared).
  • All children should have a named water bottle in their bag. This will be returned home each evening for cleaning.


  • Bags should be clearly labelled and put into your child's locker on arrival.
  • Please have two or three changes of named clothes in your child's bag.
  • We supply cloth nappies to the children in the Nestlings and Moreporks rooms. If your child is in the preschool rooms, which are Owls and Wise Owls, parents are asked to bring in disposable nappies.
  • All children must have covered shoes for riding the wide variety of bikes and while on our pony.
  • For summer, please make sure your child has a clearly named sun hat and that sunscreen has been applied before arrival. We will apply again during the day.
  • For winter, a warm hat, raincoat and gumboots, please.

Sunblock and Hats

  • Please supply a named sun hat for your child. We do have a supply of spare hats for those who forget. 
  • Please apply sunblock to your child each morning before attendance between September to April.
  • We supply 30SPF sunblock, which is applied after lunch by staff before the children return outside.
  • If your child has a sensitivity to sunblock, please let staff know. An allergy card will be displayed in each kitchen. Please supply your own sunblock if necessary.

Sleeping and Rest Times
Children sleep on stretchers with individual bedding provided by Kidiwise. Infant children are put to sleep as required. Toddler and Preschool children needing a sleep are put down for their sleep at 12.00pm to 1.00pm.


  • Kidiwise treats sickness and the spread of bugs and viruses seriously - the best way to avoid it is to keep contagious nasties out - with this in mind, the following applies:-
  • Please let us know if your child is sick and unable to attend
  • We have four contactless thermometers - one handy in each area, and children's temps will be taken if required
  • If you suspect your child is sick, please keep him/her at home - especially if it is contagious
  • Should your child have vomited, a 48 hour period is required before returning to Kidiwise.
  • Should your child become sick while at Kidiwise, we will contact you and ask that you collect your child immediately

Settling Children In
Particular attention is given to new children to ensure they settle into the Kidiwise programme as quickly as possible. We recognise the change to childcare can be a stressful and challenging time for your child. A teacher is assigned to gradually help your child with the routines, where to go for toileting, the correct procedure for meal times, mat times, current projects and how to ask for things. Here are some ideas for parents to help settle your child in - particularly the younger children

  • As often as possible before your child is to attend
  • Become familiar with your child's teachers
  • Stay with your child in the first stages of transition until your child is engaged in an activity or happy with a teacher
  • Your child can bring any special toys or cuddles that might help to settle
  • It is a good idea to say goodbye once, leave and not return - inevitably, your child will settle in

If your child is at Kidiwise on their birthday you are more than welcome to provide a cake for them to share. Parents are most welcome to join us.

When your child enrols, they are given a link to our online portal system - Storypark. The Preschool children have a filing basket with their own individual file to hold their paintings. Your child can check this at any time and take their paintings home. At Kidiwise, we find doing and completing craft projects is beneficial for the children's development. These are displayed at Kidiwise and individual objects taken home for parents to give 'pride of place' at home.


The children are encouraged to develop their interest in gardening and help with the planting and maintenance of our herb gardens, all part of teaching the children sustainable practices.
